This live stream runs from home, 24/7, reflecting ongoing software development intended to create generative music from novel environmental sources.
The software is written in SuperCollider and runs on raspberry Pi and Apple hardware. A variety of hardware interfaces permit the integration of outboard MIDI instruments for coordination and mixing in Ableton Live.
Ongoing software projects include triggering samples and synths with sniffed WiFi packet info, granular synthesis, and live audio capture and processing. The polyvalent client application may be reconfigured with a few lines of code to serve an expanding variety of purposes, from networked sequencer to synth/sample-playing client.
In the current configuration, the rate of WiFi activity determines the BPM of the native sequencer, determining note duration and other timings. Live audio capture via an outdoor stereo microphone may also figure as a layer of sound in this stream as samples recorded every few seconds are sliced into non-consecutive parts for playback.
WiFi Player (2024/10)
Sequencer (2024/10)
Listening: During weekday commuting hours– 0600 – 0900 US ET and 1600 – 1800 US ET, a recognizable change of activity can be heard. The cell phone WiFi detected from users of a nearby roadway and a commuter train often disrupt an otherwise steady background pattern of the neighborhood networks. The simplest neighborhood patterns may be heard after 0000 ET.
Updates (i.e. live, human interaction) of this system are usually made on weekday evenings and Sundays at 2000 US ET.